
Posted by Alex Wu's Blog on December 31, 2023

Content Analysis(WIP)


  1. Improve application
  2. Improve driver
  3. Improve hardware

Improve application


  • bad api usage
    • glLinkProgram/vkCreateGraphicsPipeline in runtime
    • bad sync point, such as pipeline barrier
    • not enough queue to submit commands
    • clear unnecessary framebuffer before beginning to render
  • cpu bound
    • too heavy CPU workload, such physical animation
    • too many drawcalls

Improve driver


  1. 优化掉frame里面redundant的东西,包含commands,primitives…,对最终的渲染结果毫无影响,如check early-zs,hsr, forward pixel kill的条件去尽量打开
  2. 提高帧渲染的效率,check incremental rendering的合理性,alpha blend是否有必要,driver的行为是否能发挥出hardware的性能
  3. check shader instructions是否合理,compiler有时候编译出来的instructions不够优化

Improve hardware

如果确定application和driver已经最优或者无法改变的时候,可以考虑一下hardware潜在的问题,以改善hardware architecture

  1. 查看硬件各个unit的利用率


performance profiling

运行app或者trace,查看当前状态下的performance,最好是针对特定场景特定设置抓一段trace,利于performance的研究。注意api trace会隐藏掉一些cpu的问题,比如app在host端的物理模拟,所以需要首先排除掉这类问题,才可以继续使用trace去研究。

  1. 使用performance profiling tool来查看cpu/gpu performance counter, lock frequence来查看gpu utilization,确保gpu的workload是满的
  2. workload是否overlap了,这需要结合app的render behavior一起来查看
  3. hardware unit的利用率排序

CPU performance issue

  1. cpu 物理模拟workload太重,不能喂饱gpu
  2. drawcall太多,driver处理不过来
  3. memory分配不及时,导致gpu不能开始工作
  4. sync导致gpu bubble

GPU performace issue

  1. geometry bound
    1. tiler bound
      1. 很多小三角形,或者三角形很多被cull掉了,fragment processing很快,geometry很慢。可以考虑使用geometry LOD,近处的物体使用精细的mesh,远处的使用粗糙的mesh
  2. fragment bound
    1. FFE
    2. EE
    3. Varying
    4. Blend
    5. Texture
  3. compute bound
    1. Memory bound, 检查memory的地址是否存在bank conflict

Shader analysis

  1. register spill
  2. dynamic index array, which would use tls
  3. texture sampler precision
  4. varying precision
  5. UBO vs. SSBO
  6. pilot shader
  7. instruction distribution match with HW unit throughput
  8. compiled shader codes optimized enough

Core scalability
