Set python3 as default python on Mac

Posted by Alex Wu's Blog on January 19, 2021

python2 and python3 are the most popular python versions which generally exist in our computers at the same time . However, as we know, they are incompatible at some time, even with different syntax. For example, you need to use “print()” to print your strings for python3; what’s more, python3 uses utf-8 as default encoding format so you can denote your codes in Chinese but don’t need to specify the utf-8 encoding.

Since the python(2) and python3 projects might exist in our computer at the same time, so mostly we cannot remove one of python version. Here is a simple way to switch your python version between python(2) and python3 on Mac.


  1. new/edit ~/.bashrc, add the following line in:

    alias python="python3"

  2. Option

    1. You can use the following way to make it effective in time for the current terminal

      source ~/.bashrc

    2. You can also use the following way to make it effective for all the terminals

      1. new/edit ~/.bash_profile, add the following line in:

        source ~/.bashrc